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Basic lag in R vector/dataframe

Will most likely expose that I am new to R, but in SPSS, running lags is very easy. Obviously this is user error, but what I am missing?x <- sample(c(1:9), 10, replace = T)y <- lag(x, 1)ds <-...

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how to shift an xts time series to the left in r?

I am trying to shift one column of an xts time series to the left in R (please see the code below). The lag shifts nicely to the right, but I want it to line up with the rolling mean. Using a negative...

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error in xts - "'order.by' cannot contain 'NA', 'NaN', or 'Inf'"

I am trying to convert a csv data.frame into an xts and keep getting the following error:the file is a csv daily stock data downloaded from Yahoo Finance for "AAPL"Here is what I did so...

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Aggregate daily level data to weekly level in R

I have a huge dataset similar to the following reproducible sample data. Interval value1 2012-06-10 5522 2012-06-11 48503 2012-06-12 46424 2012-06-13 41325 2012-06-14 41906 2012-06-15 41867 2012-06-16...

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Calculate Return with R

I'm a new to R. I have an Excel file called "bitcoin" which contains two columns: "date" and "BTC.Close". I've imported the data into R and transformed it into an xts object. However, I'm encountering...

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Data table output looks very different than xts output

I'm having trouble viewing a data table in a tabular format. If I use the PCRA package and export a dataset as an xts object (see the minimal example below), the xts object resembles a...

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How to aggregate a dataframe by week?

Consider the following examplelibrary(tidyverse)library(lubridate)time <- seq(from =ymd("2014-02-24"),to= ymd("2014-03-20"), by="days")set.seed(123)values <- sample(seq(from = 20, to = 50, by =...

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How to round trip (to and from a .csv file) with an xts object?

Trying to do a round trip (write/read) with an xts object. read.zoo() returns a data frame! Converting this to an xts fails.How do I make it an xts object?library(quantmod)from <- "2016-01-01" ##...

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Obtaining last Friday's date

I can get today's date:Sys.Date( )But how do I get last Friday's date?I tried:library(xts)date1 <- Sys.Date( ) to.weekly(date1 )But this gives an error.

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How do I debug for different inputs in R when dput() results are seemingly...

I've been wrangling data in Python to comply with the documentation for the "BGVAR" package in R.It states that for the bgvar class I need to input Data as a list of dataframes where each item is named...

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XTS in R studio

I'm reading a binary output file of a program using a R package. When I executed the below line of code I see a data structure as shown in the snapshot under the 'Environment' tab of R Studio.output...

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Plotting an xts object using ggplot2

I'm wanting to plot an xts object using ggplot2 but getting an error. Here is what I'm doing: dates <- c("2014-10-01", "2014-11-01", "2014-12-01", "2015-01-01", "2015-02-01")value <-...

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XTS: split FX intraday bar data by trading days

I want to apply a function to 20 trading days worth of hourly FX data (as one example amongst many).I started off with rollapply(data,width=20*24,FUN=FUN,by=24). That seemed to be working well, I could...

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How to create a variable based on a given growth rate using xts?

I want to create a variable based on a given growth rate, which is in another variable, starting from a base of 1. Below is an example. I tried two methods, either applying growth rate to lagged value...

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vectorization in xts is there a simple solution

set.seed(2)library(xts)x <- sample(1:5,10,replace = T)x.xts <- xts(x, order.by = seq(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()), length = 10, by = "min"))I have xts object x.xts and i want apply to him vectorized...

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OpenSSL3.1 C example of AES-XTS using EVP interfaces Unable to segment data...

For AES-XTS encryption, I want to perform segmented input calculations on the data, but it has a problem.#include <openssl/evp.h>#include <openssl/rand.h>#include <stdio.h>#include...

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How to transform/simplify a data.frame with timeseries in columns to an...

How do I go from image #1 to #2 in R ?I would expect this transformation to be so common in timeseries analysis that xts::, zoo:: or data.table:: would have a pre-built routine to make the series...

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Auto.arima from forecas-Different results for Zoo object and.xts object?

I have time series of Covid-19 death cases which is only weekdays without weekend. I created it in R as .zoo object. But since some packages work better with time series I created it as .xts object as...

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Filtering a xts object from one year to the next

If I have a 10-year daily xts time series, starting on 1985-01-01 and ending on 1994-12-31, how can I calculate the sum of values for the interval starting on Nov 1 and ending on Mar 31 of the next...

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Add a subtitle to plot.xts

Is there a way to add a subtitle like in base plot to plot.xts?plot(xts(rnorm(100), order.by = as.Date(1:100)), sub = "Subtitle")plot(rnorm(100), sub = "Subtitle", type = "l")

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why don't the names change to those that were specified in the date frame?

I wrote a simple function that combines all indicators from the TTR package, but not all indicators have names that have changed as I specified in the dataframe.for example, TTR::chaikinVolatility...

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How to use gstar package of R for spatio-tempral analysis?

I want to perform a spatio-temporal analysis by highlighting spatial as well as temporal dependencies of the data (I have a 'weight matrix' highlighting spatial dependencies of the counties) on the...

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how to build multiple sliding windows from xts object using rollapply function

I have a matrix with two columns where each column is a variable. I'm building two sliding windows of size 3data <- matrix(1:20,ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("var1","var2")))> data var1 var2...

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list of xts objects back to list after merge

I have a list of xts objectsset.seed(1)library(xts)tm <- Sys.time()+1:10f <- function(){ m <- matrix(1:40,ncol = 4, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("x",1:4))) xts(m ,tm)[-sample(10,sample(9,1))]}...

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printing an xts object

I am trying to create an xts object of this S&P500 sample. This is the code I am using:sp500 <- read.csv2("SP500.csv", stringsAsFactors = F, header = T, sep = ",", na.strings = ".")sp500$DATE...

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Plot multiple series on a dygraph

I'm trying to plot multiple series on a dygraph line chart.The df is of this structure:structure(list(Date = structure(c(4216, 4216, 4217, 4217, 4218, 4218, 4219, 4219, 4220, 4220, 4221, 4221, 4222,...

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Is it possible to get the specific index of occurence when working with...

Assuming I worked with meteorological observations and wanted to know not only the daily maximum value but also the relevant timestamp, describing when this value was observed, is it possible to...

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Aggregate xts coredata in case of duplicate indices

Assuming I have the following xts object with duplicated time information:library(xts)x <- xts(1:5, c("2024-04-19", "2024-04-19", "2024-04-20", "2024-04-21", "2024-04-21") |> as.Date())x#>...

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How Do You Execute If-Then Logic On All The Columns Of An xts object in R

I have an xts object with multiple columns in R and I want to convert all the numbers larger than, say, 0.05 to NA (or -99 or something like that).To get some data to execute on please do the...

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decomposition hourly timeseries

I have the following time series data example: structure(list(cycle_rounded = structure(c(1604534400, 1604538000, 1604541600, 1604545200, 1604548800, 1604552400, 1604556000, 1604559600, 1604563200,...

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